Sunday, February 5, 2012

Blog #3: Refining my topic

I realize that I have to have a larger question in order to investigate and find more information on my topic. I really would like to research the selection of a college major and how it affects the student long-term. What goes into the process and what do students think about the most when choosing? Enjoyment or money? Even the idea of deciding can be extremely stressful, as it is for me.

Blog #2 was supposed to cover some online research; after looking a little online, I found a few good articles which describe how students should go about choosing a major.
This article was interesting because it touched upon the fact that students sometimes apply to college with an "easy" major in order to get into the school. It says that 80% of students change their major at least once, so being "undecided" isn't such a bad thing.
This article advises students to think about the outcome of the major they will choose; it is going to affect the field you go into after graduating.

A lot of what I came across while exploring online dealt with how many students choose a college because it's supposed to be good for the major they want. I'd also like to research this in my paper.

Blog #3:

A few questions I'd like to ask a librarian would be:

1. Where can I get the statistics on how many students go into college without a major?

2. How can I find out the difference in salary of college graduates, due to a difference of college major?

3. Are there any books based solely upon choosing a major?

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