Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blog #14: Book Review #5

Ellis, Blake. "Average Student Loan Debt Tops $25,000." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, 03 Nov. 2011. Web. <>.

The article "Average Student Loan Debt Tops $25,000" by Blake Ellis, a CNN reporter, describes the increasing debt college students are piling up. While the economy is bad and privatization is on the rise, students are having a harder time than ever to repay their loans.

"Thanks to rising tuition and the weak economy, students were forced to rely more heavily on loans to pay for their college education."

"2010 graduates suffered an unemployment rate of 9.1% when they graduated in 2010 -- up from 8.7% in 2009 and the highest level on record."

"College seniors who took out loans to fund their college education owed an average of $25,250, 5% more than the class of 2009 owed..."

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